Kayak Instruction Regional Resource List
Looking to build or enhance your sea kayaking skills?
Nanaimo Paddlers offers an annual program of skills training and education for club members. We focus on water-based sessions in the spring and early summer, and pool-based / off-water sessions in the fall and winter. We typically take the summer off to paddle! We post other events and learning opportunities on our Meetup site.
For training opportunities outside the club (including training for first-time paddlers), the following instructional providers operate in our region. Those marked with a double star (**) offer discounts to club members through our Club Partnership Program.
Nanaimo Paddlers offers an annual program of skills training and education for club members. We focus on water-based sessions in the spring and early summer, and pool-based / off-water sessions in the fall and winter. We typically take the summer off to paddle! We post other events and learning opportunities on our Meetup site.
For training opportunities outside the club (including training for first-time paddlers), the following instructional providers operate in our region. Those marked with a double star (**) offer discounts to club members through our Club Partnership Program.
Adventuress Sea Kayaking ** (located in Nanoose Bay)
All Things Qajaq (traditional Greenland paddle skills; located in Victoria)
BC Kayak Centre ** (located in Vancouver; often offers courses on Vancouver Island)
BestCoast Outfitters (located in Victoria)
Blue Dog Kayaking ** (located in Mill Bay and Port Sidney Marinas)
Comox Valley Kayaks & Canoes ** (located in Courtenay)
Crosscurrents Kayak ** (located in Nanaimo)
Go Kayak ** (located in Victoria)
Island Römer Adventures ** (located in Nanaimo)
Jericho Beach Kayak Centre ** (located in Vancouver)
Laughing Seal Kayaking (located in Nanoose Bay; email [email protected])
Magnetic North Sea Kayaking (located in Errington)
Manke Kayak (located in Ucluelet)
Ocean River Adventures / Gordon Brown Sea Kayaking Centre of Excellence ** (located in Victoria)
SKILS ** (located in Ucluelet)
All Things Qajaq (traditional Greenland paddle skills; located in Victoria)
BC Kayak Centre ** (located in Vancouver; often offers courses on Vancouver Island)
BestCoast Outfitters (located in Victoria)
Blue Dog Kayaking ** (located in Mill Bay and Port Sidney Marinas)
Comox Valley Kayaks & Canoes ** (located in Courtenay)
Crosscurrents Kayak ** (located in Nanaimo)
Go Kayak ** (located in Victoria)
Island Römer Adventures ** (located in Nanaimo)
Jericho Beach Kayak Centre ** (located in Vancouver)
Laughing Seal Kayaking (located in Nanoose Bay; email [email protected])
Magnetic North Sea Kayaking (located in Errington)
Manke Kayak (located in Ucluelet)
Ocean River Adventures / Gordon Brown Sea Kayaking Centre of Excellence ** (located in Victoria)
SKILS ** (located in Ucluelet)